lunes, 10 de septiembre de 2018

Diamond Hail


Post mortem.
Angular momentum.

Earth wants to strongly remind you that it’s still spherical.
The desperate forces of the Coriolis Effect.
Are you dizzy?

Illicit enrichment.

Fix your eyes upon your baby child.
Sharpen your spear.
Defend him from the wild boars from the forests.

Lilac streams run through the seas
Coming from the cities in ruins
Dripping in furious torrents
Unstoppable forces of nature
That have dissolved our corpses

After decomposing, our bodies finally understand their purpose.

Flocks of helicopters agglomerate in the cityscapes
Air, denser than concrete, immobilizes the masses
Riots explode all over the world
Demanding obviousness
Everything is sex and comfort

Whilst the rest of the planet burns

Summer vacations.
Melted icebergs.

Kidnapped is the world
The ransom is way too high for you to pay

There’s mail for you
Some severed fingers have arrived in a gift box

The consequences are real

Sell your house
Ask for a loan
And don't call the police

Julio Ortiz

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