jueves, 30 de agosto de 2018

The Volatile Man


Come, come and see, the Volatile Man!
See this monster, not for a fortune! but for a thin dime!
A bizarre, horrible and pathetic mutant
With nothing more than skin combustant

Have you ever been with a man who sleeps with a fire extinguisher under his pillow?
This man does

Because you’ll make him burn
With almost anything

An old memory
A cold caress
A snub

And he’ll consume himself
He’ll combust and blaze

Don’t blame yourself

Wind cannot even touch him without making him explode
And into smithereens he goes again
Thousands of little charcoal pieces float in the air
Just to rearrange again
Into a humanoid form

His genes, heavily loaded with napalm
Highly reactant
So reactant his skin cannot even tolerate the touch of a voice
He is not a lover, but an arsonist.
As he walks, he leaves a trace of ash,
for he burns his own feelings.

Please burning man

Stop burning

You’ve already extinguished everything you love
Carbonized and ultimately pulverized every single thing you adored.

Locked in his faulty body
Erupting in flames and disrupting life around him
Erradicating life at his touch
He will consider asphyxia 

Come and see him!

The 27,000,000° Fahrenheit Idiot!

The Incendiary Moron!

The Exothermic Bastard!

He attempted to suffocate his flames
Threw himself into a swimming pool
The chlorinated water boiled
And the chlorine turned gaseous
Intoxicating the whole neighborhood

And he was still burning
Out of despair he cried
Only to see his tears evaporate as they poured

Come and see him
Buy a souvenir
Take a photo

But don’t you dare to touch him

Julio Ortiz

lunes, 27 de agosto de 2018

Mr. Contrivance and the Berry Cake


Mr. Contrivance knows something's missing within him
Maybe his charm
Maybe his cunningness
Maybe his laugh

He lost everything trying to build one of his contraptions.

And He built a wonderful device!

It was meant to be bigger.

But the final model was fantastic.

He invented the cure for Vacuum!

This maelstrom filled with vile and horrid death, encountered by him at the very moment of his birth.

And He did use this wonderful machine! 

For a couple of months his life was instantly solved! 

His carbonized dreams were turned into extradimensional glitter!

Endless days of never-ending love were rushed into his circulatory system.

       Until they stopped.

           His machine started to fail.

               He discovered it turned against him.


               And she mocked him.

              -You are not clever enough Mr. Contrivance (She said with her cold robotic voice) hahahaha

              -You are not inventive enough (She bursted with tears of laughter on her eyes)

              -You are not even a man (She finished with terrible and loud laughter) 

And He escaped to the forest.

Tried to make a new life.

One day, picking berries, He saw her.

               -Beautiful hat you've got (She said).

               -It's made of clay (He added).

               -I'm Ms. Polymer.

               -Thanks for saving my life Ms. Polymer.

Julio Ortiz

jueves, 23 de agosto de 2018

Hyper Genius Robot #1


I wish 
I could be infinite
And luminous
And fierce

My maker built me solid
But not unbreakable
But not erudite
But not pleasant

Like a spoon

I am only a tool

Your tool

Julio Ortiz

martes, 21 de agosto de 2018

Para Teté


Solíamos ir a tu castillo
La Fortaleza de los Mil Soles
Llena con tus luces
Repleta de verde en todas sus paredes

Ahí me sentía seguro
Abominables amenazas nos perseguían
Pero al cruzar el umbral del castillo
Entraba todo en un armisticio

Lejos de todos los gritos
Y lejos de todas las humillaciones
Fui muy feliz en tu nido de piedra
y en tus jardines de ilusiones

Pero el castillo eras tú
Tú eras la fortaleza en sí misma
Eras verde y eras delicias
Tú fuiste siempre todas esas sopitas

Y cuando te fuiste
Me perdí en el dolor
Pensando que te habías llevado todo
Todo ese calor

Pero estaba equivocado
Porque estás en cada cocina del mundo
En cada planta
En cada sopa
En cada pan
En cada tarro de miel
En cada abeja
En cada suéter
En todos los verdes

El cáncer invade a todos los seres vivos
Pero igual el verde
El verde cunde y asfixia al mal
Sofoca las adversidades
Las nulifica

Siempre serás la Reina de Todos los Verdes
En tu Fortaleza de los Mil Soles
Y estarás en tu cocina en el cielo,
esperándome para comer
y para ver nuestras telenovelas turcas.

Julio Ortiz

jueves, 16 de agosto de 2018

Crónicas de un Triste Invierno Nuclear


Nuestras vidas fueron complejas
El enredo de la habitualidad las hizo insoportables
Y el tiempo, se consumía cual vela
los restos, ya derretidos, se quedaban en la alfombra
Impregnados para siempre

En un día todo colapsó
Trillones de pedazos de cristal nos persiguieron hasta en sueños
Y se escabulleron por doquier
Se metieron en nuestras coyunturas para cortarnos y hacernos sangrar

Después los hematófagos devoraron lo que quedaba de nuestra dignidad
Prohibiéndonos incluso el sueño
Perdiendo así el último rastro de humanidad que sobrevivía
Una noche que nos extinguiría

El pasado llegó a atormentarnos
La desconfianza apagaba el calor entre nosotros
Desafiando nuestro amor
Desollando todo el cariño

Y las toxinas llenaron nuestros pulmones de desesperación
Turbio entorno!
Te veo palideciendo ante la siniestra neblina!
Responde Madre mía!

La salvación recaería en un catre, tijeras oxidadas y cinta de ductos
Elementos que salvarían nuestras vidas
Vidas complejas
Enredadas por la habitualidad
Pero nuestras a fin de cuentas

Estamos solos
Es cierto
Pero juntos
Una manada de dos lobos

Julio Ortiz

lunes, 13 de agosto de 2018

For Emma


From the beginning everything was askew
Malnourished and left for death
That’s how I started living
Some hands came in to rescue me from the garbage bin

I was alone and frightened
As a puppy that knows he has lost his home
And it’s about to die in the freezing night
To never return

A derelict that spoke in technicisms
A boy that spoke in science
Maybe this was the way of departing from them all
Inventing a new world inside my head

And those scars
I won them through the ages
Reflections from the actual wounds
Damage inflicted in my brain

Through centuries we grew together
We bought happy boxes with happy candies
Shared infinite afternoons together
Until those ages fell apart

And I returned everything to you
My breath
My hands
And my soul

Then I lost you
My sweetest friend
On my arms you fell
And I knew you were fleeing to the skies

Your eyes told me it was over
The time you shared with me was over
You missed him
My homonymous in Heaven

Julio Ortiz

miércoles, 8 de agosto de 2018

Green Jurassic Knight


The long-necked being was becoming a knight.

The Queen touched with her ceremonial sword the left shoulder,
and then proceeded to touch the right one.
(This task seemed tricky for his neck was really long)

Now she pronounced:

“I hereby dub thee Knight, Sir Herbert The Last, Defender of the Sweet Cacti and Cluttered Desks”

The burden upon his back appeared to him as a blessing from this moment.


Plastic is made from petrol

Petrol comes from dinosaur fossils

It was paradoxical how Sir Herbert was entirely made from his ancestors

(As you)

(As me)


Isn't it?

Figure 1. Sir Herbert The Last returning to his duties after the knighting ceremony.

Julio Ortiz

martes, 7 de agosto de 2018

Mr. Contrivance


He used to be an intricate puzzle

The broken years confined him inside a tic tac toe

Sometimes you win

Sometimes you lose

You need no expertise to play it

Just luck

And maybe one or two anticipated movements.

Maybe just one.

Julio Ortiz