domingo, 8 de julio de 2018

Inside the Pods


Hearts have ESCAPE PODS in case of emergency.

These pods are programmed to crash in the nearest M-Class¹ planet, then a distress signal is sent to the Recovery Brigade², revealing the exact location and status of the soul.

Escape pods are activated when a crisis arises, or when the integrity of the hull is compromised.

If an emergency arises REMAIN CALM and follow the instructions:
  1.  Follow the fluorescent signals until you reach the EMERGENCY PROCEDURE KIT³.
  2. The KIT will guide you to the escape pods.
  3. Upon you arrival to the escape pod center, get into a pod and close the hatch. 
  4. Fasten your seatbelt and detach from the ship.
  5. You will experience zero gravity and severe turbulence upon crashing on the planet, DON'T PANIC!
  6. Remain calm and wait. HELP IS ON THE WAY!
The soul has always the option of entering the pod, or staying in the falling ship.

Remind yourself that using the escape pods leaves you with a high chance to survive and be rescued.

Should you choose to stay in the compromised ship you are in great peril.

If you require further assistance contact your superior or seek help with your partner.

Always follow the emergency instructions.

¹Telluric planets that have the same characteristics of Earth from Solar System 1. 
²NGO dedicated to the rescue of lost individuals through vacuum. Contact your superior for more information.
³Box that contains the necessary survival items and a survival guide book.

Julio Ortiz


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